OtoscanⓇ 3D Digital Ear Scanner: Hearing Care for the Future

OtoscanⓇ 3D Digital Ear Scanner: Hearing Care for the Future

We’re really excited here at RK Audiology, and the reason is clear: the OtoscanⓇ Digital Ear Scanner. If you grew up dreaming of advanced gadgets like the ones in sci-fi movies and television, then you can understand why we couldn’t wait to tell you about this exciting new technology. This ear scanner is ahead of its time and is giving us new insight into the way we take care of you, the client. It’s official: the future is here.

What is a Digital Ear Scanner?

OtoscanⓇ is a 3D digital scanner for the ear. It renders 3D images of the inside and outside of the ear which are then saved for creating a digital earmold. This mold then assists in creating custom “in-ear” hearing aids and other custom earpieces with shorter turnaround time.

How Ear Scans Help Your Hearing

RK has recently acquired a 3D digital scanner and the results are amazing. Aside from greater accuracy in creating molds for hearing devices, the scanner is a much more comfortable experience for our clients than traditional ear molds. We are also able to keep these files on hand for future use to help our clients down the road. That means no need to schedule another visit for new scans.

Furthermore, this 3D ear scan allows our clients an accurate view of their own ear. This helps in explaining the often complicated ways in which the ear works and the best methods of treatment. In other words, we love the way it helps you learn how to care for your ears.

Ear Cleaning and Ear Scans Go Hand-in-Hand

If you have visited our office or read our blog posts, you know that we place high importance on getting your ears cleaned safely. One thing we love about the new scanner is how well it supports this treatment. Having an unobstructed view of your ear is key in diagnosing possible issues early on. When you get an ear cleaning and an ear scan together, you are getting the most effective results. It’s as if the two procedures were made for each other!

In general, we love the new Otoscan 3D Digital Ear Scanner. Ear scans are a big part of the future of hearing healthcare, and we can’t wait for you to experience the benefits!

For more information on getting a quality cleaning and scan, schedule an appointment online with us today!

Demystifying the Ear Canal: Consider Professional Ear Cleaning

Demystifying the Ear Canal: Consider Professional Ear Cleaning

You hear it all the time now, like your parents warning you not to run with scissors: don’t clean your ears with cotton swabs. If you’re like most people, however, the idea of getting your ears professionally cleaned sounds absurd. Why would you pay someone to get rid of a little earwax? The answer to that question has everything to do with the ear canal.

Respect for the Ear Canal

This tunnel is the on-ramp to a multilane highway of a number of different organs in our head. The first stop is the tympanic membrane, most famously known as the eardrum. After this gateway, we travel through the middle ear space and then branch off between the inner ear area and the eustachian tube. The inner ear contains the semicircular canals and the cochlea, which do the majority of the work of transmitting sound to our brain and help us maintain balance. The eustachian tube leads to the pharynx, the area of the throat just behind the nose, and fluid from the middle ear drains from here. (When we “pop” our ears while flying, the eustachian tube is largely responsible.)

Being the entry point of not only sound but also so many important regulatory organs makes the ear canal one of the most important parts of your body. So it needs protection.

A Little Earwax is Good for the Ear Canal

The first thing you need to understand is that earwax is not some foreign substance. The ear canal, like many units in the body, is self-cleaning. The skin on the inside of this tunnel secrets a substance called cerumen – earwax – which lubricates and protects. It’s much like the relationship between mucus and your sinuses. It traps dirt and prevents things like pollen and insects from entering the ear. It also has antibacterial and antifungal properties thanks to high acidity. That’s why it tastes so bad; imagine the bitter aftertaste of lemons, vinegar, and tomatoes without the sweetness to balance them, and you have earwax.

Why Clean My Ears at All?

For the most part, earwax removes itself in due time. In fact, cleaning it out can do more damage than good, especially if you are using a cotton swab. There are no two ways about it: you could very easily leave tears in the ear canal or puncture your eardrum. Even if one of these outcomes is not the case, you may wind up impacting the wax, a counterintuitive result to your efforts and therefore decide to not bother cleaning your ears at all.

Sometimes earwax impacts the ear canal even if you don’t use a cotton swab. Debris can still enter, or an infection may occur. If you are starting to feel itching, dryness, diminishment in hearing, or discomfort of any kind, you may need to get your ears cleaned. It is best, therefore, to have a professional cleaning done. The audiologist can then see if there is a greater problem and recommend a treatment plan. Additionally, cleaning your ears is a great part of health maintenance.

You may be wondering: what about home remedies? There are some you can try, such as using a washcloth or tissue to wipe the area outside of the ear canal, or earwax removal drops you can find over-the-counter. Caution is recommended when it comes to others, such as ear candling. It is always best to consult your audiologist when considering a method of ear maintenance and care. They know the most current and reliable methods and can recommend a treatment plan just right for you.

At RK Audiology, we conduct safe, comfortable cleanings that will keep your ear canals healthy and happy. Our audiologists utilize Video Otoscopy – state-of-the-art equipment allowing both you and the audiologist to view the inside of your ear canals with a small camera which transmits to a larger screen. Video Otoscopy is used with every client before and during all ear cleanings. Schedule a cleaning today!

Hobbies and Hearing: A Reminder for Summer

Hobbies and Hearing: A Reminder for Summer

Summer is a great time to indulge your favorite hobbies. Whether you’re out in nature, out on the lake, or out on the town, those humid summer days and warm summer nights make for a great chance to get out and have some fun. While hearing safety is important all summer long, here are some specific reasons why protecting your ears for your favorite hobbies is just a great idea.


Part of the joy of this hobby is hearing the symphony of bird song, or vocalizations. More importantly, being a proficient birder depends on a good sense of hearing. Hearing loss in the high frequencies is a common affliction, and as a birder, this will mean that you cannot hear bird calls or track birds and other wildlife. Furthermore, poor hearing can muddy the distinction between a mimic and an actual bird call.

Rock Climbing

Rock climbing is a hobby that should carry a healthy dose of respect. Being a well-prepared climber, however, makes this hobby fun and healthy. While the right gear, technique, and practice are needed for a safe climb, healthy hearing should also be a part of every climber’s preparation. A climber with diminished hearing cannot hear instructions from a partner or team. Also, a climber with hearing loss may have poor localization (the ability to tell the direction of a sound source in 3D space). These things can lead to missteps. Keep your hearing healthy, so it can keep you healthy.


When the weather warms up, many of us seek outdoor sports to get our blood pumping. Did you know that the sound of a ball on a racket sounds different when you have hearing loss? It may seem like a small thing, but keeping your hearing on point can give you the competitive edge.


Music is a big part of summer. From outdoor concerts to tunes by the pool, summer has a soundtrack. Everyone remembers their favorite song from “that summer when…” This rings especially true if you are a musician. Hearing loss can seriously affect those summer memories, in more ways than one.

Hobbies may not begin with healthy hearing, yet it’s clear you will enhance your summer fun by getting treatment for hearing loss and protecting your hearing. Schedule an appointment with RK Audiology today to find out how you can get the best out of the season!

Shooting for the Stars: Annie Jump Cannon & Henrietta Swan Leavitt

Shooting for the Stars: Annie Jump Cannon & Henrietta Swan Leavitt

In the late 1800s to early 1900s, a group of skilled workers processed astronomical data. They were all women. Not allowed to operate telescopes, these women instead acted as human computers, operating under Edward Charles Pickering for the Harvard Observatory. It is here that Annie Jump Cannon and Henrietta Swan Leavitt would change the face of science.

Computer “Stars”

Cannon & Leavitt, May 1913

Annie Jump Cannon &
Henrietta Swan Leavitt

Cannon’s mother had been the first to teach her about the stars, and astronomy would later help her cope with her mother’s death. She had contracted scarlet fever as an adult, leaving her nearly deaf. Despite this, she was hired by Pickering to classify stars in the southern hemisphere after graduating Wellesley College. Leavitt studied math and the classics, traveled and taught before being hired by Pickering to measure star brightness through photometry. She, too, was nearly deaf.

Cannon and Leavitt proved that women were more than up to the task of critical detail this work required. Leavitt was known for being “hard-working, serious-minded…, little given to frivolous pursuits and selflessly devoted to her family, her church, and her career” and Pickering himself was quoted as saying “Miss Cannon is the only person in the world—man or woman—who can do this work so quickly.”

Changing History

Interestingly, it’s this very dedication to work that makes it unclear whether these women were friends or simply colleagues. Cannon received more recognition than Leavitt, whose work was often credited to Pickering. Cannon, on the other hand, was the first woman to receive an honorary doctorate from Oxford and become an officer in the American Astronomical Society.

While they may not have purposely worked together to bring change to their field, each woman’s individual impact showed that women were more than serious-minded enough for the rigorous field of science. Cannon became the first female assistant to study variable stars at night, using “light curve” and color to help classify and identify stars more easily. She developed the Harvard Classification Scheme, which would become the new standard of star classification. Leavitt found hundreds of new variable stars and discovered that some stars have the same intrinsic brightness (no matter their distance from Earth). Leavitt also developed, and continued to refine, the Harvard Standard for photographic measurements.

Women like this continue to inspire women and people with disabilities. Cannon and Leavitt looked to the stars, and in so doing, they set their sights on a better future for all of us.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annie_Jump_Cannon https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henrietta_Swan_Leavitt

Anything You Can Do: Gertrude Ederle & Juliette Gordon Low

Anything You Can Do: Gertrude Ederle & Juliette Gordon Low

Nowhere is the question of equality among the sexes most argued, perhaps, than in the realm of physical activity. For millennia, women were considered unsuitable to strenuous activity. This included sports or anything of an outdoors nature. Of course, this distinction was only applicable to aristocratic women, as the lower classes did not have such luxuries. Women could often be found in the fields, sweatshops, and factories throughout history. The achievements of “the fairer sex” cannot be thoroughly understood without seeing how women have pushed their physical boundaries to prove that they can do anything men can do.

Gertrude Ederle – Swimmer & Olympic Champion

“When somebody tells me I cannot do something, that’s when I do it.”
~ Gertrude Ederle

This daughter of German immigrants learned to swim at a tiny indoor Manhattan pool. As a member of the Women’s Swimming Association, she was able to compete and take advantage of new advances in swimming techniques, giving her more of an edge.

At the 1924 Summer Olympics, Ederle won the gold as a member of the U.S. 4×100 meter freestyle relay swim team, and set a new world record in the event. This launched her career, and she continued to break records along the way. In 1926, she set a record for swimming the English Channel that would stand for almost 25 years.

Despite hearing loss contracted when she was a small child with measles, Gertrude Ederle showed the world that you didn’t have to be a man to compete.

Juliette Gordon Low – Founder of the Girls Scouts

“The work of today is the history of tomorrow and we are its makers.”
~ Juliette Gordon Low

Juliette Gordon Low was born to a cotton broker and writer in Savannah, Georgia in 1860. She was educated and had many hobbies. It was expected that the highest ambition of young women of her time and station should be to marry, perhaps more so for Low, as she began losing her hearing at 17 years of age. However, it would only be after becoming a widow that she would be able to realize her true ambitions.

While traveling, taking classes, and doing charity work in London, Low met Sir Robert Baden-Powell, the creator of the Boy Scouts. She was impressed with his philosophy of military preparedness mixed with fun. She became involved with an all-girls off-shoot of the organization called the Girl Guides. As a leader, she encouraged the teaching of self-sufficiency for girls, and organized lessons in wool-spinning, livestock care, knot-tying, knitting, first aid, and camping, to name a few.

She took this newfound purpose with her to America in 1912 and founded the American Girl Guides, later to become the Girl Scouts of America. Today, this organization encourages girls from all walks of life to become intelligent, well-rounded women who are as capable as any man, and encouraged to be their very best.

These two women broke boundaries. One tested the limits of what a woman can do and pushed society to see women as equals in sports. The other looked to a future where the equality of women and men should never be in question. They did it without hearing. They are heroes.


Helen Keller: The One Who Started It All

Helen Keller: The One Who Started It All

One can’t speak of achievement among deaf and hard-of-hearing women without talking about Helen Keller. Her story’s popularity made her an icon like no one before her. As someone with three disabilities, she not only served as an example of what one can accomplish as a woman but also what the human spirit can do in the face of challenge.

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.”
~ Helen Keller

A Difficult Education

Keller is most famous for her work with Anne Sullivan, a teacher from a prestigious school for people with blindness. Their relationship and story would be dramatized in The Miracle Worker, originally authored by Keller as The Story of My Life. The story detailed her struggle to communicate despite being blind, deaf, and non-vocal, and how she and Anne worked together. It is generally praised for its depiction of the perseverance of the human spirit.

Keller eventually learned speech and attended Radcliffe College, where she graduated cum laude in 1904 at the age of 24. By this time, she had learned several forms of communication, including sign language, braille, and touch-lip reading. Sullivan remained her companion.

Helen Keller: Social Activist

Helen’s struggles motivated her to become a staunch advocate for others with disabilities. She also advocated for women’s suffrage, birth control, and pacifism, sometimes testifying in front of Congress. She was a key person in the founding of many groups and associations, including the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in 1920 and Helen Keller International. Keller even became an ambassador to advocate for the blind, taking on a 40,000-mile trek across Asia to give speeches and spread education.

Today, because of the efforts of Helen Keller, people of varying levels of deafness and blindness are able to lead more fulfilling lives with access to better services and education. Helen Keller was the first to prove that having a disability didn’t mean you couldn’t be a healthy, functioning member of society. Indeed, she proved that it was not the people with disabilities that needed fixing so much as the society that believed them broken. Her impact cannot be over overstated. She remains an inspiration to all of mankind.


Because of women before us like Helen Keller, as a women-owned audiology and hearing aid practice in Austin, TX, we have the opportunity to serve our community with their hearing health needs.