Women’s History Month: Highlighting Women with Hearing Loss

Women’s History Month: Highlighting Women with Hearing Loss

History is full of the unsung achievement of women. Women helped build this country, fought alongside men in wars and social movements, and created some of the most beautiful art of all time, often without credit for their work. The story of women has often been one of silence.

“Anon, who wrote so many poems without signing them, was often a woman.”
~ Virginia Woolf

A Condensed Timeline of Women’s Achievement

  • 1792 – Mary Wollstonecraft publishes A Vindication of the Rights of Women, often credited as the first feminist philosophy.
  • 1851 – Two former slaves upset the institution of slavery. Sojourner Truth’s speech “Ain’t I a Woman?” spurs the anti-slavery movement. Around this time, Harriet Tubman begins a smuggling operation that would result in over 300 freed slaves.
  • 1869 – Susan B. Anthony joins Elizabeth Cady Stanton in forming the National Woman Suffrage Association, which leads to women’s right to vote over 70 years later.
  • 1971 – Gloria Steinem, Bella Abzug, and Betty Friedan begin the National Women’s Political Caucus, giving voice to women across the United States. Steinem would later start Ms. magazine to further discussion on women’s issues.
  • 1981 – Sandra Day O’Connor becomes the first woman appointed to the United States Supreme Court. She serves 25 years.
  • 1983 – Sally Ride becomes the first woman in space.
  • 2006 – Tarana Burke begins the #MeToo movement to encourage women to speak out about sexual assault, resulting in several lawsuits and prosecutions, particularly in entertainment and political arenas.

The Silent Struggle

While those women struggled for the rights of freedom, opinion, and choice, deaf and hard-of-hearing women struggled right alongside them. These women proved that while their ears didn’t function the way everyone else’s did, they weren’t broken – and they pushed to break the barriers of hearing loss.

They became symbols of reform and icons for the continuing disability rights movement. Indeed, the greatest challenge for these women was often not physical so much as societal. Like all women, they struggled to be seen and heard as valid members of society.

So join us this month as we celebrate some of the achievements of deaf and hard-of-hearing women. We will highlight just a few of those courageous and persistent women who have helped us on the course to becoming a more accepting and enlightened society.


Lyric: The Contact Lens of Hearing Devices

Lyric: The Contact Lens of Hearing Devices

If you have an active lifestyle and have been searching for a discreet hearing technology option, Lyric hearing will be music to your ears.

We work with a wide range of hearing technology at RK and want to highlight options that meet particular needs for our clients. Lyric is a good fit for those searching for an invisible solution for hearing loss.

These devices are 100% invisible because they are placed in your ear canal by your audiologist. In addition to the aesthetic value, you will not have to worry about daily insertion and removal or changing the battery. Once seated, the device is so comfortable, you’re likely to forget you have it in. Furthermore, Lyric is easily controlled with the SoundLync™ tool, making it even more convenient.

The best part – Lyric supports your active lifestyle. You can still use headphones and wear this device while sleeping. It’s even water resistant, so you can hit the gym and take a shower. This device works for you 24/7 with no maintenance…and no one will ever know.

Learn more here and on the Lyric Hearing website. Then Schedule an appointment for a no-obligation trial today!

Hearing Health & Staying Connected for the Holidays

Hearing Health & Staying Connected for the Holidays

The winter holidays are here! The year is almost over and it’s been a great one with our new blog. It’s time to review what we’ve learned, and make sure we’re ready for the new year. Let’s look at how you can stay connected for the holidays.

It’s always a good time to get your ears checked

We started the new year with one of the most important resolutions you can make: evaluating your hearing. Didn’t make time to take care of that? That’s okay. There is still time to check this off your list. Click here to find a convenient day/time to have your hearing checked.

Hearing in Noise options can help you…with and without hearing loss

The options for enhancing the hearing experience are astounding. Modern technology has created some amazingly intuitive gadgets, from in-ear hearables that completely block noise or translate over 15 languages, to personal sound amplification products (PSAPs) and hearing devices that provide intuitive, connected assistance for those with or without hearing loss. These days, the sky’s the limit.

Music is fun and healthy…when you do it right

Listening to music is fun! Did you know it’s also healthy? Several studies have shown music to be helpful in the cognitive functions of the brain, as well as improving mood and reducing mental health issues. In addition, music boosts our immune system, helping us fight disease and decrease pain. Music is all around us, and when we listen with protective devices, we can reap the benefits.

Nutrition helps hearing health

Between Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidant vitamins, it’s hard to say which is better for your hearing. Still, this much is known: good nutrition isn’t just good for overall health; it’s especially good for hearing health. Keeping a balanced diet that focuses on ear-healthy foods can help reduce and even prevent the risk of hearing loss.

How to stay on top of hearing health

Did you know that you are the one who can best make sure you stay hearing-healthy? Here are some tips to help you along:

  • Get your ears professionally cleaned. Avoid using cotton swabs, and other pointed objects, and never, ever use ear candles.
  • Make sure your hearing aids are tuned and checked. Your audiologist can evaluate your devices and let you know if they are functioning properly, need to be updated, or should be replaced altogether.
  • Check for updates to technology or software. Old tech can cause more harm than good. Staying up-to-date ensures you have accurate, properly functioning devices.
  • Switch to rechargeable batteries. These save on cost and the environment, and they don’t run out, meaning you don’t have to worry about inconvenient lapses in function.
  • Found some interesting new hearing technology online or in a magazine? Check with your audiologist. They can best evaluate if the new tech will work well for your needs.

Contact RK Audiology today to get a consultation. Keeping your hearing checked – and in check – is the best present you can give yourself for the holidays. Don’t miss a single “Fa, la, la.”

News & Updates: RK Is Growing!

News & Updates: RK Is Growing!

It’s been a wonderful year for us here at RK Audiology, and we’re eager to share some updates with you. September 1st of this year marked our seventh year in business! The journey since 2011 has been such a rewarding experience. We have met so many interesting, wonderfully unique and talented individuals. We’d like to thank all our amazing clients for helping our local, small business grow year after year.

New Location: RK West (formerly Audiology Diagnostic Clinic)

We’re very excited to announce that RK has added a second location! In addition to our original office on South Lamar, we now have a new office nestled in the heart of Westlake in The Schoolyard. We are thankful for such an auspicious opportunity.

In May, Milly Walker, owner/audiologist of the Audiology Diagnostic Clinic, contacted us. After building a successful audiology practice for over 20 years, she and and her family are moving on to the next chapter of their lives. It was important to Milly to have continuity of care for her patients. We are honored that she chose us.

RK Audiology is proud to provide hearing services and the latest in high-tech hearing solutions in our new Westlake office, with the same philosophy and standard of care that Milly provided to her patients. We have a great team in both locations, and you’ll find the same comfortable, relaxed atmosphere at RK West as you find at our main office in South Austin.

RK West (West Lake Hills Office – located in The Schoolyard)
4201 Bee Cave Road, Suite A-102
West Lake Hills, Texas 78746
(512) 327-3004

Expanding RK Team: Allison Archer, Au.D.

Dr. Archer joined our family on August 20th, and we couldn’t be happier to have her on board. She comes to us as a University of Texas alum with a Doctorate in Audiology. Allison is an expert in the latest trends in hearing aid technology.

Since getting her doctorate in 2013, Allison has been adding a wealth of experience to her extensive education, performing diagnostic hearing and auditory processing disorder evaluations, fitting hearing aids, and taking earmold impressions for custom hearing protection and earpieces.

Like most native Austinites, Allison enjoys checking out new restaurants opening in Austin, spending time with her family (especially her toddler), and indulging in the simple things of life, like audiobooks and gardening. We’d say she’s settling in just fine.

You can find Allison exclusively at our RK South location, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9am to 5pm. Read her bio to learn more about Allison!


It’s always a good time to take care of your ears! Whether you visit our original RK South office or the new RK West, you can look forward to the same great hearing healthcare service. Schedule an appointment today to get evaluated by Allison or another member of the RK team!

The Role Nutrition Plays in Hearing Loss

The Role Nutrition Plays in Hearing Loss

We all know that good nutrition plays a role in the overall health of the body, but did you know that nutrition can also specifically affect your hearing? Malnutrition from fetal development through preschool years has been known to affect auditory development in later life. This recent study highlights that in addition to the more traditional ways to protect hearing, including reducing noise exposure, and avoiding medications which are toxic to the ear, focus on nutrition provides an entirely new area for preventable hearing loss.

Read on for ways that a few dietary changes can keep your ears healthy and happy.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 Fatty Acids are known to be beneficial to your health, particularly in helping to fight heart disease. More recently, these fatty acids have been shown to play a role in preventing hearing loss as well.

According to a study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the consumption of fish 2-4 times per week may lead to a lower risk of hearing loss. This is especially true in women. To learn more, check out the National Institutes of Health Omega-3 Fatty Acids Fact Sheet.

Omega-3s are found in plant oils including flaxseed, soybeans and canola oil, seeds including chia and walnuts, and fish. Sushi anyone?

Antioxidant Vitamins

Been losing certain frequencies lately? Regular vitamin supplements have been known to lower the risk of age-related hearing loss and reduce damage to ears in high-noise situations.

It turns out that mitochondria in our cells respond to loud noise by releasing free radicals that can cause cell damage. In the ears, that spells bad news for hearing, causing us to lose certain frequencies. Antioxidant vitamins have been found to counteract these free radicals and reduce damaging effects.

So which vitamins are best? There are many options for healthful vitamins in your daily meals, including citrus, dark leafy greens, and other kinds of colorful fruits and vegetables. Try these:

  • Vitamin A – (also known as beta carotenes) found in orange fruits & vegetables such as carrots, nectarines and sweet potatoes
  • Vitamin C – found in citrus fruits and berries, papayas and kiwi, tomatoes, peas, and dark leafy greens like kale, chard and broccoli
  • Vitamin E – found in dark leafy greens, as well as nuts like almonds and hazelnuts
  • Vitamin D – found in wild mushrooms and dairy products, in addition to mackerel, salmon and sardines
  • Magnesium – found in beans, nuts, leafy greens and whole grains

How well does it work?

The use of antioxidant vitamins has been known to reduce damage to the hair cells in the cochlea (inner ear), reduce tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and build a strong immune system to help fight off infection. It even prevents hearing loss: taking supplements or consuming foods with these vitamins an hour before noise exposure reduces blood constriction in the ears due to higher noise levels.

As you can see, hearing loss is preventable – and it is never too late to take care of your hearing and your ears through a focus on nutrition and hearing health. Check in with your nutritionist and/or general practitioner for more tips. Better yet, schedule an appointment for a hearing evaluation today, and find out more ways you can help boost your hearing health!

Fun in the Sun: Protecting Your Ears During Summer Months

Fun in the Sun: Protecting Your Ears During Summer Months

Summer is in full swing. July 4th is almost upon us, and you know what that means: fireworks. Every year, people celebrate in backyards and stadiums, party boats and beaches. In addition, we may visit with family, go out with friends, take vacations, and participate in games & festivals. However you choose to enjoy the warmer months, don’t forget to protect your ears.

Of course, you want to take care of your hearing. The question is: How?

We’ve got you covered. We have plenty of suggestions to keep those ears happy and healthy this summer (and all year round).

Earplugs, Earplugs, Earplugs

That’s right. One of your best friends this summer is a set (or two) of high-fidelity earplugs. Those fireworks pack quite a punch, but you can still enjoy the show while taking the edge off the volume. Furthermore, music and artist festivals can have DJs and live bands that perform for more than 10 hours a day for multiple days (some run 24/7!). It’s worth investing in a good pair to keep the noise levels filtered and safe. For under $30 a pair, why not?

Noise-Canceling Headphones

Travel is one of the best parts of summer. Whether you’re jumping in the car for a road trip with family or friends, or jetting off to some exotic location, summer is a great time to take a vacation. Consider bringing some noise-canceling headphones with you. Even if the occasional screaming baby on the plane doesn’t bother you, you’d be surprised what other noises are doing a number on your hearing. Noise-cancelers not only reduce airplane engine noise, they are also perfect for that part of the road trip where you need to sleep while your friend is playing AC/DC at full blast to stay awake driving at 1 am – and, really, who can blame them?


This is one of the easiest and most cost-efficient options for protecting your hearing this summer. Take a break. Whether you’ve been working with heavy machinery, partying to the latest jams, or trekking all over in planes, trains, and other vehicles, give your ears some much needed downtime. Take a moment, an hour, or a day away from the noise. Not only will your ears thank you, so will the rest of your body, mind, and spirit.

Hearing in Noise Options

In a previous post, we discussed how hearing in noise options can help you enjoy all your favorite things in a way that’s safer and healthier for your ears. Did you know that there are noise-canceling options in some types of headphones which can turn that plane ride into a more pleasurable experience all around? How about translation devices for when you travel abroad? There are so many options among the varieties of hearables, PSAPs, and hearing instruments, you’ll never look at vacation time the same way again.

At RK Audiology, we believe in helping you protect your ears and live life well. We keep universal earplugs in stock for all ages, as well as headphones for infants and young children who are attending music/recreational venues with their parents. We have something for everyone. So, as you prepare for the next road trip or event, ask yourself if you’ve got that one all-important item: your hearing protection. Then get ready to play!