The RK Blog


Hobbies and Hearing: A Reminder for Summer

Hobbies and Hearing: A Reminder for Summer

Summer is a great time to indulge your favorite hobbies. Whether you’re out in nature, out on the lake, or out on the town, those humid summer days and warm summer nights make for a great chance to get out and have some fun. While hearing safety is important all...

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Anything You Can Do: Gertrude Ederle & Juliette Gordon Low

Anything You Can Do: Gertrude Ederle & Juliette Gordon Low

Nowhere is the question of equality among the sexes most argued, perhaps, than in the realm of physical activity. For millennia, women were considered unsuitable to strenuous activity. This included sports or anything of an outdoors nature. Of course, this distinction...

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Helen Keller: The One Who Started It All

Helen Keller: The One Who Started It All

One can’t speak of achievement among deaf and hard-of-hearing women without talking about Helen Keller. Her story’s popularity made her an icon like no one before her. As someone with three disabilities, she not only served as an example of what one can accomplish as...

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Lyric: The Contact Lens of Hearing Devices

Lyric: The Contact Lens of Hearing Devices

If you have an active lifestyle and have been searching for a discreet hearing technology option, Lyric hearing will be music to your ears. We work with a wide range of hearing technology at RK and want to highlight options that meet particular needs for our clients....

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