Music: Deciphering the Link Between Hearing and the Brain

Music: Deciphering the Link Between Hearing and the Brain

Music is a part of our daily lives; it moves us, inspires us. One thing you may not know is how much music affects your brain. Read on to learn about the link between hearing and the brain, and keeping your ears healthy.

Music and the Brain

The brain regulates the basic function of the ears, however, there is more to it than that. Research suggests that a portion of the brain devoted to hearing can become reorganized, and reassigned to other functions such as vision or touch and may play a role in cognitive decline. This can be turned around, however, when we see how healthy hearing affects our cognitive function. Healthy ears keep us active and social, and people who use hearing instruments when they experience hearing loss slow their cognitive decline to rates similar to those with no hearing loss.

So where does music come into this?

Music can activate certain regions in your brain involved with planning, learning, and memory, and it increases the size of the corpus callosum. This means musicians get an added bonus: when people who play instruments listen to music, their brain fires symmetrically. Furthermore, listening to music has been shown to decrease chronic tinnitus (ringing in the ears), showing that a feedback loop from ears to brain and back again exists, and giving us all the more reason to use healthy enhancement devices like the ones discussed in our previous post.

Here are some more reasons to use music to keep your brain healthy:

The Chemicals of Mental Health

Music releases chemicals in the brain that regulate various systems throughout the body. Dopamine, a chemical which induces pleasure and joy, improves mood and reduces anxiety. It also enhances motivation, and aids in creating positive experiences.

As a result, music has been used to reduce depression, including postpartum depression in new mothers, to the point where reduced probability of postpartum depression and anxiety are seen after simply using music during labor. Relaxing music helps with insomnia and other sleep disturbances. It can even reduce the number of seizures in epileptics.

Immune System, Disease, and Pain

While the effects of music on our mental health may seem a little too obvious (Good music makes us happy; therefore, we are less depressed.), it is the effect on physical health that shows the full power of music.

Remember that fun little chemical dopamine? Well, in addition to boosting mood, it boosts immune system hormones. It often works with cortisol – also released when listening to music – which enhances the brain’s use of glucose. These chemicals increase availability of a number of substances used for repairing the body.

The way it affects pain receptors is also pretty amazing. Relaxing music helps people suffering from migraines, reducing the intensity and frequency of headaches. People who listen to music after surgery show both reduced pain scores and reduced anxiety.

Memory and Concentration

Patients aren’t the only ones who benefit. Surgeons who listen to their favorite music while in surgery show greater efficiency in their technique. This increase in efficiency likewise carries over into the classroom, where students who have ADHD show increased concentration and focus, and listening to music during math tests has been shown to increase performance by 40%. Music raises our ability to problem-solve, and increases our efficiency when performing tasks.

Music is great for memory, too. Does hearing a specific song out of the blue remind you of a different time in your life, or a particular experience? Music hits those centers of the brain, also, and has been shown to help those with brain-injury recall past memories.

All in all, music is good for the brain, which is good for you. Music keeps you healthy, so keep those ears healthy when you listen. Get evaluated, get fitted for hearing enhancement devices, and get ready to hit “Play.”

Hearing in Noise Options: Not Just For Hearing Loss

Hearing in Noise Options: Not Just For Hearing Loss

Modern hearing technology is a world away from old-style hearing aids of previous generations. If you’ve considered investigating the latest hearing solutions and have been putting it off, you could be missing out on a golden opportunity to enhance your lifestyle. Hearing in noise technology has become so advanced and – dare we say – cool, that you’ll feel like you’re at the forefront of technology.

First, let’s talk about the differences in hearing in noise devices.

Hearables, PSAPs, and Hearing Instruments: Is there a difference?

All of these devices serve specific functions and cater to specific audiences. Let’s take a look at three different types – or categories – and review examples of devices currently found in each category.


These little devices exist solely for the pleasure and convenience of the wearer. They range from smart headphones to translation devices worn wirelessly in the ears. This is where you can see the future of audio technology for entertainment in action.


  • Headphones that aren’t just used for music, but also filter out distractions in noisy environments so the wearer can focus on conversations. (e.g., Bose Hearphones)
  • Devices that can be worn in the ears and actually translate 15+ languages. (e.g., Pilot Translating Earpiece)
  • “Do not disturb” settings for the staunchest of introverts to create isolated environments even when out and about. (e.g., Nuheara IQ)


Personal sound amplification products (PSAPs) acknowledge the fact that while you may not be suffering from hearing loss, everyone can benefit from a little assistance in certain situations, including church and busy restaurants. They are popular among birdwatchers and other outdoor recreational enthusiasts since the devices provide the wearers a boost in the sound environment. PSAPs are like reading glasses: they aren’t medically prescribed, but they provide general help when needed. They are also where you begin to see the overlap in the three categories.


  • Devices which perform automatic adjustments in various situations (at a distance, in the car, etc.) to enhance the hearing experience. (e.g., Etymotic The BEAN)

Hearing Instruments

In addition to making the latest hearing technology more effective, comfortable and with sleeker designs, creators have capitalized on “smart tech”, finding ways to integrate new and past functions with smartphones and other wearable tech devices.


  • Hearing devices with the option to add soothing sounds for tinnitus sufferers. (e.g., Oticon)
  • Instruments which connect via Bluetooth to cell phones for hands-free calling through your hearing devices and stream to your phone or tablet to listen to your favorite podcast, program or music. You can even connect to your TV in stereo sound. (Now who has the best seat in the house?) (e.g., Phonak)
  • Hearing instruments which allow you to create custom settings for your favorite restaurants, movie theaters, sporting events, and more. (e.g., Widex)
  • Intuitive speech recognition, connectivity to all your favorite devices, and remote fine-tuning when you need some extra support. (e.g., ReSound)

Those all sound pretty cool, don’t they? Don’t you just love living in the future?

The Right Fit For You

In January of this year, we encouraged people to have their hearing evaluated by a licensed audiologist. If you haven’t checked this off your to-do list, or you’ve been thinking about hearables, hearing instruments, or any other kind of hearing solution, there’s no reason to hold off any longer. RK Audiology has your back.

As longtime supporters of Kickstarter campaigns for promising hearing technology, and supporters of the best in hearing solutions from tried and true hearing instrument manufacturers, we stay up-to-date on ways to help you live and hear better. We keep the latest hearables in our office at all times. We can show you hearing in noise options and, because we are licensed audiologists, we are qualified to evaluate, fit, program, and service all hearing instruments.

The future is sounding clearer and clearer, not only for people with hearing loss – for anyone wishing to experience life to the fullest.

Click here to schedule a consult with us today.

5 Great Reasons to Have Your Hearing Evaluated in 2018

5 Great Reasons to Have Your Hearing Evaluated in 2018

The New Year has begun and you may have started the year off with some lofty goals. On the other hand, you may have spent the month sitting on the couch streaming your favorite TV shows – it’s all good. However, if you’re noticing some difficulty hearing your favorite bingeable series, it could be time for a hearing evaluation.

Even if you think your hearing is perfect, a hearing evaluation at RK Audiology may be the best gift you can give yourself in the New Year.

Check out these 5 reasons why:

  • Find out where you stand
    Do you feel like you’re losing hearing? Maybe you hear well and are just curious. Getting an evaluation gives you a baseline and lets you know where you stand. It’s the best way to find out if the care you need is preventative or assistive.
  • Wax
    Ah, earwax – it’s a healthy part of your body’s regulatory system. A little is good; too much can cause problems. Before you reach for that cotton swab – be careful. We warn against putting those little sticks of cotton in your ears to clean them. Doing so can cause wax buildup (by pushing wax deeper into your ear canal). It can even damage your ears and diminish your hearing. (TIP: Never put something smaller than your elbow in your ears!) If you’ve been experiencing some change in hearing, an ear cleaning and evaluation might be just what you need…after all, it could just be wax.
  • Personalized Care
    Managing your hearing health can be complex and confusing. Some people opt for big box stores with enticing low low prices to purchase hearing aids and other assistive or preventative hearing products. You may be trading savings for limited choices. Improving your hearing health works better with personalized products and services. At RK Audiology, our audiologists stay up-to-date on all the latest technology. We spend the time needed with each client to provide complete satisfaction and ongoing follow-up care.
  • Music
    For Austinites living in the “Live Music Capital of the World”, it is important to keep your ears fit. Fortunately, there’s no need to compromise the music. Filtered earplugs that offer high-quality ear protection, while allowing you to hear both the music and your friends, offer the best of both worlds. At RK, we have both over-the-counter and custom-fit options.
  • Get a plan
    “A goal is a dream with a plan and a deadline.” [Harvey Mackay] A plan of action for your hearing – be it preventative or assistive – will help you achieve your goal and give you peace of mind.

All of the above and more add up to the most important reason of all: a better quality of life. Scheduling a hearing evaluation will help you prepare for the future…a healthy future.
Schedule your appointment today.