Ear Cleaning, Austin TX

The RK Audiology Ear Spa: Professional Ear Wax Removal in Austin, TX
Though there are several options for Austin ear wax removal services, RK Audiology is one of only a few Audiology offices in the Austin area that offers professional ear wax removal services. The RK team has added a new earwax treatment option – the Earigator™ – the latest in cerumen management technology.
We’ve completely transformed both the ear wax removal experience and the expected results. Our “ear spa” treatment delivers a comfortable, effective, and fast method for cleaning your ears and eliminating buildup.
What is the Earigator™?
The Earigator™ is an irrigation system, designed to “rinse out” ear canals with a safe and well-tested method. This unique treatment combines all the functionality of a traditional ear irrigation system with video otoscopy, allowing the audiologist to maintain full view and control of the process.
Our Westlake, TX audiologists are trained to perform advanced and safe ear wax removal.
Here are just a few other features of the Earigator™ that makes it a particularly exciting new option for our clients:
- The equipment has a self-contained temperature control function, which consistently regulates the water to match your body temperature. As a result, you can avoid any caloric effects or unwanted sensations of vertigo (common side effects of other irrigation methods).
- Precision-level pressure controls ensure quick, effective removal of even the most stubborn buildup, all while eliminating risk to the eardrum.
- The procedure is much faster than traditional methods, taking just 3-5 minutes per ear.
- Unlike other methods for removing earwax buildup, the Earigator™ has no reported side effects of lingering discomfort.
- Instead of a visit to your audiologist for a consultation and then a referral for ear wax removal elsewhere, you can now enjoy the convenience and comfort of completing the entire process at RK Audiology. Our South Austin, TX audiologists will check and clean your ears at your choice of our conveniently located offices in Austin and Westlake, TX.

While some may think that ear wax, also known as cerumen, is an annoying secretion, it is actually a vital part of maintaining overall ear health. Ear wax is a natural and helpful defense of the body as it protects, cleans, and lubricates the ear canal by slowing the growth of the bacteria and trapping dirt and debris. The wax is created in the outer portion of the ear canal and will usually migrate out of the ear on its own. Sometimes, outward migration of wax and skin cells can be disrupted and ear wax will start to accumulate, and eventually cause a blockage. The blockage of an ear with wax is called a wax impaction and should be removed because it can cause discomfort and conductive hearing loss.
The wax impaction should be removed by a trained professional – an audiologist or an ear, nose & throat physician (ENT). There are several methods for removal, including flushing, suction, and manual removal with proper instruments.
If you think you need ear cleaning, come visit one of our offices. All our Austin, TX audiologists are trained in ear wax removal and will utilize video otoscopy so you will be able to see what we see, including a before and after view of your ears.
Ear Wax Removal Questions
Ear wax becomes a problem when it accumulates and forms into a plug that blocks the ear, which can cause temporary hearing loss. Earwax buildup can also cause ear pain/earache, itchiness, fullness/pressure and can even cause an ear infection.
Individuals who are experiencing any of the above-mentioned symptoms need to seek the care of an expert audiologist or an ENT for testing, evaluation, and review.
One of the most common causes of impacted ear wax is actually those attempts to remove it at home using foreign objects like bobby pins, Q-tips or cotton swabs that push the ear wax deeper in the ear canal. Some may think that they are cleaning the ear with a cotton swab but it may be doing more harm than good. Using earphones or earbuds is also on the list of causes for the need for ear wax removal from a professional. Additionally, individuals who wear hearing aids are more susceptible to excess ear wax buildup. Natural causes of ear wax build-up are due to anatomy; very small ear canals or curvy ear canals can cause the natural outward migration of the wax to not happen as effectively.
Once it is already established that a patient has an ear wax buildup, an audiologist or an ENT can remove the excess wax using a curette (a small, curved instrument) by using a suction technique, or by using irrigation. RK Audiology provides expert ear wax removal in South Austin, TX, and Westlake, TX.
The use of hydrogen peroxide as ear drops is also a popular home remedy for ear wax removal. Since hydrogen peroxide is supposedly cerumenolytic, it is believed to soften, dissolve or break down ear wax easily.
Can you use a WaterPik to clean ears?
We have seen the recommendation to use a WaterPik for cleaning ears at-home, however, please use caution. Some dental cleaners such as this use a mix of air and water pressure and may push earwax further into the ear canal(s). Also, if you have a perforation (hole) in one or both of your eardrums, pushing water, earwax, or other debris into the middle ear space will most likely damage your ears. We strongly suggest that you first obtain medical clearance from your audiologist and/or physician before you proceed.
What is a WaterPik?
A WaterPik is a brand of oral health cleaning products. The WaterPik is an at-home solution for dental cleaning care which uses a mix of air and water pressure to clean teeth.