Audiology Services

RK Audiology is an audiology and hearing aid clinic with expert audiologists providing comprehensive hearing evaluations, hearing protection, Lyric hearing devices, and advanced hearing solutions in Austin, TX.

Hearing Services in Austin, TX

RK Audiology has an amazing, friendly, hearing healthcare team – ready and happy to help you stay connected to your community and all that you love. We understand that each individual has unique hearing needs, which is why we provide personalized hearing care in Austin, TX.


Audiology Best Practices

At RK Audiology, we follow audiology best practices to provide top-notch hearing care. These practices include thorough hearing evaluations, personalized treatment plans, and ongoing support to ensure optimal hearing health.

We use state-of-the-art technology and the latest research to offer precise hearing aid fittings, effective earwax removal, and customized hearing protection. Our team is dedicated to educating our clients and empowering them to make informed decisions about their hearing health.

By adhering to these best practices, RK Audiology ensures that every client receives the highest quality care tailored to their unique needs.


» Hearing Tests
» Tinnitus Evaluation
» Ear Wax Removal
» Real Ear Measurement
» Hearing Aid Fitting
» Hearing Aid Maintenance and Repair
» Sensorineural Hearing Loss Treatment

Hearing Test

Comprehensive hearing evaluations are offered to determine the nature and degree of hearing difficulty and the best treatment options, including demonstrations of hearing instruments and new hearing technologies. We have high-frequency audiometers in all our clinics to provide testing up to 20,000Hz.

Q: Why do I need a hearing test?

A: A hearing test helps determine whether you have hearing loss. It’s important to know early so you can get help if needed.

Q: Does a hearing test hurt?

A: No, it doesn’t hurt at all. You just listen to sounds and tell the audiologist what you hear.

Q: How often should I get a hearing test?

A: It’s good to get your hearing checked every few years, especially as you get older.

Tinnitus Evaluation

A tinnitus evaluation helps figure out why you hear ringing or buzzing in your ears. An audiologist will check your hearing, ask about your symptoms, and may do special tests. This helps us understand what’s causing the noise and how to help you feel better.

Q: Should I go to an audiologist for tinnitus?

A: Yes, an audiologist can help you. They are experts in hearing and can find out why you have tinnitus and suggest ways to manage it.

Q: Is tinnitus a brain problem?

A: Tinnitus often starts in the ears and can also involve the brain. The brain sometimes misinterprets signals from the ears, leading to the ringing or buzzing sound.

Q: What happens if tinnitus is not treated?

A: If tinnitus is not treated, it can get worse over time. It might make it hard to focus, sleep, or enjoy everyday activities. Getting help early can prevent these problems.

Ear Wax Removal

Though there are several options for Austin earwax removal services, RK Audiology is one of only a few Audiology offices in the Austin area that offers professional earwax removal services. The RK team has added a new earwax treatment option – the Earigator™ – the latest in cerumen management technology.

Q: When is earwax a problem?

A: Ear wax becomes a problem when it accumulates and forms a plug that blocks the ear, which can cause temporary hearing loss. Earwax buildup can also cause ear pain/earache, itchiness, fullness/pressure and can even cause an ear infection.

Individuals experiencing any of the above-mentioned symptoms need to seek the care of an expert audiologist for testing, evaluation, and review.

Q: What causes excess earwax buildup?

A: Technically, excess earwax does not mean that it will automatically lead to blockage (impacted cerumen) or cause hearing problems. Ear wax is produced by the ceruminous and sebaceous glands in the outer ⅓ portion of the ear canal. When the natural outward migration process of the earwax is disrupted, it can accumulate and eventually lead to an impaction. 

One of the most common causes of impacted earwax is attempts to remove it at home using foreign objects, like Q-tips (cotton swabs), which push the earwax deeper into the ear canal. Some may think that they are properly cleaning their ears with a cotton swab, however it may be doing more harm than good.  

Using earphones or earbuds may also contribute to the need for earwax removal from a professional. Additionally, individuals who wear hearing aids are more susceptible to earwax buildup. Natural causes of earwax build-up are due to anatomy; very small ear canals or curvy ear canals may cause the natural outward migration of the earwax not to happen as effectively.

Q: What to do if my healthcare provider recommends I have my ears washed?

A: Washing the ears, also known as irrigation, is an ear-cleaning method used to remove earwax buildup. Our providers will begin with video otoscopy (viewing of the ears, ear canals, and eardrums), where you see what we see. This will determine if a person is a candidate for irrigation. RK Audiology uses the Earigator System to clean your ears. The Earigator™ is a breakthrough irrigation system designed to “rinse out” ear canals with a safe and well-tested method.

Real Ear Measurement

Real-ear measurement (REM) helps make sure hearing aids are set just right for each person. It measures the sounds that reach your eardrum when wearing hearing aids. This helps audiologists fine-tune the devices so you can hear clearly and comfortably.

Q: Are real-ear measurements necessary?

A: Yes, real-ear measurements are important because they ensure your hearing aids are adjusted perfectly for your ears. Without REM, the settings might not be as accurate, and you might not hear as well as you could.

Q: How long does real ear measurement take?

A: Real-ear measurement usually takes about 10 to 15 minutes. It’s a quick process that can make a big difference in how well your hearing aids work.

Q: Which instrument can be used for REM measurement?

A: For real-ear measurement, a small, lightweight, flexible probe-tube microphone is used. This tubing is placed in your ear along with your hearing aid to measure sound levels and adjust the hearing aid settings.

Hearing Aid Fitting

Utilizing hearing instruments when needed is an important step to better hearing. During a fitting, the audiologist ensures the hearing aids fit your ear comfortably and adjusts them to help you hear clearly. Our audiologists will also teach you how to use and care for your new hearing aids.

Q: How long does it take to get fit with hearing aids?

A: It usually takes about 60-75 minutes. This includes evaluating your hearing, fitting the hearing aids, and reviewing care and use.

Q: How does an audiologist fit hearing aids?

A: The audiologist first checks your ears and hearing levels. Then, they adjust the hearing aids to match your hearing needs. Finally, they make sure they fit comfortably in your ear.

Q: Can you get hearing aids without a test?

A: No, you need a hearing test to ensure that the hearing aids are right for your level of hearing loss. The test helps the audiologist choose and adjust the best hearing aids for you.

Hearing Aid Batteries

A: Hearing aid batteries power your hearing aids so you can hear better daily. They are small, round, and come in different sizes. Change your standard batteries or charge your hearing instruments (with rechargeable batteries) regularly to keep your hearing aids working properly.

Q: What is the 5-minute rule for hearing aid batteries?

A: When you put a new battery in your hearing aids, wait 5 minutes before closing the battery door. This helps the battery last longer by letting it fully activate.

Q: How long does a battery last in hearing aids?

A: Hearing aid batteries usually last 3 to 10 days, depending on how often you use your hearing aids and the type of batteries.

Q:Why do my hearing aid batteries need to be replaced so often?

A: Batteries might run out of power quickly if you use your hearing aids frequently, if they have extra features such as Bluetooth, or if you’ve had them for over five years with regular use. Storing batteries in a cool, dry place also helps them last longer.

Hearing Aid Maintenance and Repair

We clean and replace wax guards, earmold tubing, receivers, and mic covers for all hearing instruments. We also help you connect your hearing instruments to your smartphone and other devices through apps and Bluetooth connectivity. We repair in-ear and hearing aids. As needed, devices are sent to the lab/manufacturer for repair.

Q: How often should I clean my hearing aids?

A: You should clean your hearing aids daily to remove earwax, dust, and other debris. Regular cleaning helps keep them working properly and extends their lifespan.

Q: What should I do if my hearing aids stop working?

A: First, check the batteries and make sure they are properly inserted or fully charged. If they still don’t work, try cleaning them. If the problem persists, contact your audiologist for a repair.


Q: How often should I have my hearing aids professionally serviced?

A: It’s a good idea to have your hearing aids professionally checked and serviced every 3 to 6 months. 

We recommend quarterly professional cleanings. We utilize the Professional Redux system to pull moisture from your devices, improving sound quality and extending the life of your hearing aids. Regular maintenance can catch small issues before they become big problems.

Sensorineural Hearing Loss Treatment

Sensorineural hearing loss occurs when damage occurs to the tiny hair cells in the inner ear or the nerves that send sound signals to the brain. This type of hearing loss is often permanent and can make it hard to hear soft sounds and understand speech, especially in noisy places.

Q: Can sensorineural hearing loss be corrected?

A: Sensorineural hearing loss cannot be cured; however, treatment options, including hearing technology and other devices, will help you hear better.

Q: Will sensorineural hearing loss get worse over time?

A: Sensorineural hearing loss can worsen over time, especially if it’s caused by aging, noise exposure, or certain medical conditions. Wearing hearing technology and protecting your ears when exposed to loud sounds will help maintain your hearing for years to come.

Q: How do you prevent further sensorineural hearing loss?

A: To prevent further hearing loss, avoid loud noises, wear hearing protection in noisy environments, and care for your overall hearing health. Regular hearing check-ups will help monitor your hearing health.