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Call Our Hearing Helplines:
(512) 704-7447 RK South Austin
(512) 327-3004 RK Westlake
M-TH 9am to 5pm
Contact us to learn more about comprehensive hearing healthcare services including hearing evaluations, tinnitus assessments and treatment plans, ear cleanings, custom-fit products, and the latest in hearing aid technology.
Our audiologists offer both in-person and telehealth appointments to provide you with the best hearing healthcare in Central Texas.
Are You Experiencing Hearing Loss?
Schedule a hearing evaluation with one of our Audiologists to find out more and discuss solutions.
RK Audiology has a high-frequency clinical audiometer, allowing for hearing measurement out to 20,000Hz.
If you have hearing loss, we can help answer questions and discuss options.
From the RK Blog
How to Use Earwax Removal Drops
Earwax, or cerumen, is a natural substance produced by the ear to protect and clean the ear canal. Sometimes, however, earwax can build up and cause discomfort, hearing loss, or even infections. One simple and effective way to remove excess earwax is by using earwax...
Demystifying the Ear Canal: Consider Professional Ear Cleaning
You hear it all the time now, like your parents warning you not to run with scissors: don’t clean your ears with cotton swabs. If you’re like most people, however, the idea of getting your ears professionally cleaned sounds absurd. Why would you pay someone to get rid...
Is it Better to Get a Hearing Aid from an Audiologist?
Hearing loss is a common issue that affects millions of people worldwide. The impact on one's quality of life can be significant, whether it's due to exposure to loud noises, age-related hearing loss, or other factors. If you're considering getting a hearing aid to...
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do you take insurance?
Q: Cost of hearing aids?
Q: Is financing available?
Q: Are there any programs available to help pay for hearing aids?
Q: Can you self refer to an audiologist?
A: Yes, audiology offices do not require a referral from a physician to schedule an appointment.
Anyone can schedule an appointment with an audiologist to get a hearing test or ear cleaning. Contact RK Audiology to be in touch with the best audiologists and hearing aids in Austin, TX.
Q: Do you need a physician referral for a hearing test?
Q: Is a hearing aid specialist (dispenser) the same as an audiologist?
Tinnitus Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the most effective treatment for tinnitus?
A: There is no cure for tinnitus but there are many things to investigate and potentially treat to reduce the effects of tinnitus.
The first step is to check that your ears are clean and healthy. If your ear canals are clogged with wax or if you have fluid trapped behind your eardrums, that can increase your perception of tinnitus. If there is earwax, it should be removed. If you have fluid trapped behind your eardrums, you should see an otolaryngologist (ENT doctor) to treat the fluid.
Additionally, certain medications and supplements can cause or exacerbate tinnitus so you should speak to your prescribing doctor or pharmacist about whether potential side effects could include tinnitus.
Q: What is the fastest way to cure tinnitus?
A: Assuming all the aforementioned factors are taken care of, many people find relief by using masking noise. For someone who is only bothered by the tinnitus when trying to fall asleep, this can be as simple as running a fan or white noise machine at bedtime. For someone who would like more consistent masking noise, many hearing aids can generate a masking noise which can either play all the time or be switched on and off as needed. Many hearing aids can also connect to smartphones and play music or whatever sound you prefer from apps on your phone.
Some people find relief for their tinnitus by pursuing counseling in the form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Q: How can I get rid of tinnitus naturally?
A: If tinnitus is caused by an underlying issue, like medication or untreated hearing loss, often treating the cause of tinnitus is a way to find relief. Many people also find a reduction in the impact of their tinnitus by implementing sound therapy and meditation into their lifestyle.
Q: Does anything help tinnitus?
A: Often times treating the underlying cause of tinnitus can greatly reduce tinnitus. Tinnitus can be caused by various things like stress, medication, untreated hearing loss, and many more. If treating the underlying causes of tinnitus is not enough to provide relief, there are strategies that can be implemented to help reduce the impact of tinnitus on your life. As technology improves, more and more solutions will become available with emerging technology.